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English Bites!

engbites1English Bites! are practical, bite-sized tips to help you improve your English for work. Published twice a week, the articles include useful advice covering different aspects of business English including grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking as well as fun topics. It'll take just a few minutes to read each tip. You can subscribe to English Bites! from the Newsletters link above. After that, you'll receive notifications of all new tips by email.

Avoid Texting Language in Business Writing

03 Mar 2024

textingThese days, we use our phones all the time for texting and messaging. You may even message your supervisors, coworkers and customers sometimes. You probably use texting language to do this.

While texting language is fine for messaging your friends and family, you should avoid using it in business. This is because texting language does not use standard English spelling and vocabulary, and it often uses abbreviations (short forms) of words and phrases.

For example, you might text something like this:

Pls B there B4 6 pm. TY.

Pls means “please,” means “be,” B4 means “before” and TY means “thank you.” Not everyone will understand this message. Even if your reader understands all the informal language and abbreviations, this message seems like you were being lazy or did not care about being mature and professional.

In business, always use standard English spelling and vocabulary that everyone can understand. Therefore, this message should be written as follows:

Please be there before 6 pm. Thank you.

Using Understandable Words in your Business Documents

Some or Any?

Business Email: Informing and Notifying

Welcoming Visitors Using Open and Closed Questions

Talking about your Company

Language for Expressing Likes, Dislikes and Preferences

Common Errors with Verb + Infinitive/Gerund

Giving and Receiving Verbal Instructions: Functional Language

Questions to Dr English

Simplified English Jokes 1

Common Errors in Business Documents

Analysis of Business Writing 5

Common Banking Terms

Spelling Differences between US and UK English

Querying Information: Useful Language

Ending a Conversation Politely: Useful Language

3 Common Punctuation Errors

Checking Back and Confirming by Phone

Avoid Long Sentences in Business Writing
