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In-Depth Tips from Dr English

doceng3Dr English is the resident expert in language and communication training at Workplace English Training E-Platform (WETE). The informative and often in-depth articles below will help more advanced learners to understand and improve various aspects of their English, especially the English they need for work. You can read Dr English's tips on your PC, laptop or mobile device. These articles are only available for members of WETE. If you would like to subscribe and receive email notifications of future postings, please subscribe by clicking the Newsletter link above.

Leaving Clear Voice Messages

09 Dec 2020

voicemailIn today’s busy world, where virtually everybody has a mobile phone, it can be difficult to connect to people as:

  • They may be on another call;
  • Their phone might be on silent mode;
  • Their phone might be in another room; or
  • They might just be too busy to pick up the phone and speak to you at that moment in

So if nobody answers your telephone call, you will need to leave a message, so that person can call you back at a later time.

However, there are some ‘golden rules’ to consider before leaving an answer phone message.

Speak loudly and clearly

People may speak quickly on the telephone and this can make it difficult for the listener to hear everything which has been said. However, other message leavers speak softly, and an answering machine may not record the message clearly. When leaving answer phone messages, it is important to speak loudly and clearly so the listener can hear each word said.

Say Your Name

Don’t just call someone up and say “Hi, it’s me!” or “Hi, it’s Jim.” Even if you are calling a friend and you know that he or she knows your voice, consider the fact that answering machine recordings often distort your voice and may make it impossible for the listenerto recognise you. So, always provide your last name. This is especially important if you are leaving answering machine messages at businesses or a doctor’s office; in many cases, the listener may not be able to retrieve your information or return your call without a complete name.

Leave Your Phone Number

People lose slips of paper, phones run out of battery power and lose saved phone numbers.Never assume that the person you are calling has your phone number. When you are leaving answer phone messages, always make sure you leave your full phone number for the listener to call you back. If you are about to leave the office and it is urgent that the listener return your call, leave a mobile phone number or alternative phone number when you leave your message. Again, when you are leaving phone numbers, always make sure you speak slowly and clearly so that your listener can write your phone number down. It is a good idea to repeat your phone number, so that your listener can get all of the numbers even if one of the words is garbled.

Listen to Instructions

The recording procedures of some answering machines are not as simple as leaving a message and hanging up. In some cases, you must press the pound (#) key after recording the message, or dial an alternate number before leaving an answer phone message. When leaving answer phone messages, make sure you listen to the complete instructions and follow them so that your messages are properly recorded.

You should also aim to use the following structure when leaving an answer phone message:


  • Hi, this is James.
  • Hello, my name is Eddie Stobart (more formal).

State the time and your reason for calling

  • It's 10am and I'm phoning to find out if…
  • It’s 11am and I’m phoning to see if…
  • It’s 12pm and I’m calling to let you know that ...
  • It’s 1pm and I’m calling to tell you that ...

Making a request

  • Could you call/telephone me back on XXXXXXX?
  • Would you mind calling/telephoning me back on XXXXXXXX?

Leave your telephone number

  • My number is XXXXXXX.
  • You can reach me at XXXXXXXX.
  • Call me at XXXXXXXX please.

Finishing the Message

  • Thanks a lot, bye.
  • I'll talk to you later, bye.

Here are some examples of answer phone messages:

Answer phone:

Hello, this is James. I'm afraid I'm unavailable at the moment, but, if you’d like to leave me your name & number, I’ll get back to you when I get this message. Thank you.


Hello James, this is Eddie Stobart calling. It's about noon and I'm calling to see if we could meet up later this week. Could you call me back please? You can reach me on my mobile at 27385863. I'll talk to you later, bye.

Answer phone:

Hello, this is Eddie of Eddie Stobart Haulage. I’m unavailable at the moment, but, if you’d like to leave me a short message including your name & telephone number, I’ll get back to you right away. Thank you.


Hi Eddie, this is James of RMC calling. It’s 1pm and I’m just returning your call from earlier today. I am free to meet up later this week. If you’d like to call me back on my mobile or alternatively you can reach me at my office on 37648293, we can arrange something from there. Thanks a lot. Bye.

