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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

TERMINATE tɜrməˌneɪt

16 Sep 2023


  • to stop something before the end, especially a contract.
Example Sentence: They want to terminate the contract after doing 10 years of business.

TEASER CAMPAIGN tizər kæmˈpeɪn

15 Sep 2023


  • an advertising campaign that attracts the attention of people.
Example Sentence: The teaser campaign was run 3 months before product was launched.

TARIFF tærɪf

14 Sep 2023


  • a tax on imports when they enter a country.
Example Sentence: They set high tariffs to protect their domestic car industry.

TALK SHOP tɔk ʃɒp

13 Sep 2023


  • to talk about your job in a boring way.
Example Sentence: I'm not going to the office party. Everyone will just talk shop!

TACTIC tæktɪk

12 Sep 2023


  • strategy; a plan of how to achieve something.
Example Sentence: The tactic worked and they managed to seal a deal.

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11 Sep 2023



  • 通过结合两个或更多的东西,增加的结果。
例句: 共同努力,我们创建了一个协同作用 ,我们不能这样做单独。

STAFF TURNOVER stæf tɜrnˌoʊvər

10 Sep 2023


  • the rate with which employees leave and join a company.
Example Sentence: Morale is very low and so staff turnover is quite high.

SPONSOR spɒnsər

09 Sep 2023


  • to pay money towards something in exchange for advertising space.
Example Sentence: They sponsored the Olympic Games in Sydney.

SOLE soʊl

08 Sep 2023


  • alone; being the only one.
Example Sentence: They are the sole distributor of the luxury car.


07 Sep 2023


  • slow.
Example Sentence: Overall growth remains sluggish, held back by rising inflation.

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06 Sep 2023


  • 有良好的合作关系。
例句: 明白 。 她是一个非常漂亮的女人。

SLOGAN sloʊgən

05 Sep 2023


  • A phrase which a company creates to accompany a product.
Example Sentence: Which product had the slogan, 'You can't beat the feeling?'.

ROYALTY rɔɪəlti

04 Sep 2023


  • money paid to somebody (esp. a writer/musician) when their work is used.
Example Sentence: He receives royalties every time the advert appears on TV.

REDUNDANT rɪˈdʌndənt

03 Sep 2023


  • not working, especially of a worker or factory.
Example Sentence: 500 workers were made redundant because of rising costs.

RAPPORT ræˈpɔr

02 Sep 2023


  • mutual understanding and agreement; good relationship.
Example Sentence: It is important to develop a rapport with business partners.