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What are the minimum technical requirements to run Workplace English Training E-Platform?

To be able to view the interactive exercises in Workplace English Training E-platform you will require:

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7 
  • A modern Web browser


How can I listen to the audio content of Workplace English Training E-Platform?

For a fully comprehensive guide for listening to and downloading our audio content, and subscribing to our podcast lessons, please read the Podcast/Audio User Guide.

All the audio files featured in Workplace English Training E-Platform are in mp3 format. Click on an audio link to listen to an audio file.

If the file is in the form of a text link, it will automatically open in your Windows Media Player unless you have set another media player as your default audio player.

We use an embedded Quicktime Player in some older pages and an embedded Flash player in more recent pages. You will need Quicktime and Flash installed on your PC to enable the embedded players to display correctly. Click here for links to the free players.

You can listen to an audio file as many times as you want by clicking the play button on your Windows Media, Quicktime or Flash Players. You can pause a file at any time by clicking the pause button.

If you would like to download the mp3 files to your PC or mp3 player, right click the text audio link and 'Save Target As'. Then save the file the directory where you would like to store it.


How can I view/print offline worksheets and transcripts from the site?

You will need “Adobe Acrobat Reader” to open, view and print out all offline worksheets and transcripts. If you don’t have “Adobe Acrobat Reader”, you can download it for free by following the link in 'Downloads' above.


How can I set up the Clarity Sound Recorder on my computer?

At the bottom of every page on the site you'll see the icons for the Clarity Sound Recorder. Clarity have kindly allowed us to incorporate the sound recorder into the E-Platform. With this facility you can listen to an audio file, record your own voice and compare it with the original recording. This will help you to improve your pronunciation and intonation.

  • The first time you use the E-Platform, you'll see a button at the bottom of your screen with a picture of a microphone on it.
  • To set up the recording device, click on web link on the button.
  • From Clarity's website, download a small set up programme for the sound recorder.
  • Install the recorder on your PC (in settings it's best to set it to open on start so that it is always running. Just keep in minimised.)
  • Once installed, you'll see a red recording button beside the microphone.
  • Always ensure that the Clarity Sound Recorder is running when you use the device.
  • Press the red button to record, and the square green button to stop and the green arrow button to play
  • Sound recordings cannot be saved.


Note: if you have any technical queries regarding the site, please visit the Technical Support page. First check the Knowledge Base. If you can’t find an answer to your query there, submit a ticket and we’ll give you and answer within 24 hours.

