buswriting3We should start a paragraph for:

  • A new idea
  • A change in direction of thought
  • Emphasis
  • Visual appeal

Sometimes a complex idea may need to be discussed in depth, hence resulting in a long paragraph. To avoid long paragraphs, which discourage the reader from reading, try presenting some of the thoughts in a list or in sub-paragraphs.

Read this internal email from a local mail order company:


We have attached the reply from the factory pointing out that the total cancellation charge would be US$21,067.20 (not US$2,000 as mentioned in my email of 22 March). Winson has suggested that we keep the existing order but just defer the shipment. By doing this, we could avoid the above penalty. Please let us have your comments after discussing this with the Planning Department.



Although this is not a particularly long paragraph, it does contain 3 separate, unrelated points. As it stands, it is a little confusing to read. The reader would be able to read and understand the message more quickly and easily if the 3 points were in separate paragraphs:


We have attached the reply from the factory pointing out that the total cancellation charge would be US$21,067.20 (not US$2,000 as mentioned in my email of 22 March).

Winson has suggested that we keep the existing order but just defer the shipment. By doing this, we could avoid the above penalty.

Please let us have your comments after discussing this with the Planning Department.


