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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 


14 Mar 2025


  • a situation where there is not enough money in the company.
Example Sentence: There is a severe budget squeeze at our company and we must stop wasting money.

ASSIGN əˈsaɪn

14 Feb 2025


  • to give a particular job or task to somebody.
Example Sentence: The job of finding more seats for the event was assigned to Paul.

BANDWAGON bændˌwægən

14 Jan 2025


  • an activity or popular view that a lot of people join or share, usually because it is fashionable; a current trend .
Example Sentence: Among others a lot of brand-name sports companies have jumped on the Japanese tsunami bandwagon and campaign with it.


14 Dec 2024


  • to decrease/go down very quickly (and perhaps unexpectedly).
Example Sentence: We wanted to sell our share in the business but then share prices plummeted and we decided to wait some more time.

FIERCE fɪərs

14 Nov 2024


  • aggressive, violent OR extremely active.
Example Sentences: He became unexpectedly fierce when he was informed he was going to be dismissed.
There has always been fierce competition between our companies, but in our private lives we are best of friends.

INDIRECT TAXATION ɪndəˈrɛkt, tækˈseɪʃən

14 Oct 2024


  • includes taxes which are levied in an indirect way rather than being charged directly on an individual's income or estate.
Example Sentences: Tax on products, such as cigarettes, alcohol and petrol, is also a form of indirect taxation.
High indirect taxation tends to hit the poor far more than the rich.

CAPITAL kæpɪtl

14 Sep 2024


  • Money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business.
Example Sentences: She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.
We've put 20 000 capital into the business, but we're unlikely to see any return for a few years.

INVISIBLE EXPORTS /ɪnˈvɪzəbəl ɪkˈspɔrt/

14 Aug 2024


  • Services supplied to foreign countries such as banking and other financial services are called invisible exports
Example Sentences: Invisible exports now make up more than half of the United Kingdom's GDP

A TELLER /tɛlər/

14 Jul 2024


  • the person in the bank who takes deposits and withdrawals inside the bank.
Example Sentence: Several tellers were busy helping bank customers in the lobby.

LATTER lætər

14 Jun 2024


  • Latter is an adjective meaning near or towards the end of something.
Example Sentences: Building of the new library should begin in the latter part of next year.
In the latter stages of the fight he began to get tired.


14 May 2024


  • To stay ahead of the pack is to maintain a business advantage over your competitors.
Example Sentences: If you want to succeed in this business you needto stay ahead of the pack.
The only way we can stay ahead of the pack is by making our products the best.

CUSTOMS /kuhs-tuh mz/

14 Apr 2024


  • Government agency entrusted with enforcement of laws and regulations to collect and protect import-revenues, and to regulate and document the flow of goods in and out of the country.
Example Sentences:I was searched by customs when I entered China on business last month.
Customs calculated that the necessary duty to be paid on the shipment was $9,560.

POLICY TERMS pɒləsi tɜrms

14 Mar 2024


  • the details of a policy including exclusions and premium information; terms can also refer to the time frame that the policy covers or includes.
Example Sentence: The terms of this policy are clearly explained at our website.



SKYTRAIN skaɪ treɪn

14 Feb 2024


  • a train connecting a concourse with the boarding gates.
Example Sentence: For gates 500-540 you need to take the skytrain from the airport main concourse.



FLAT MARKET flæt mɑrkɪt

14 Jan 2024


  • a market that is characterised by little activity.
Example Sentence: The sale of sewing machines is a flat market with few surprises.