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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

FREE REIN fri reɪn

13 Nov 2023


  • allow somebody to do whatever they want.
Example Sentence: Each department had free rein to make decisions and set procedures.

LOOPHOLE lupˌhoʊ

13 Oct 2023


  • a mistake in the law that allows people to do something that they should not.
Example Sentence: Their lawyers found a loophole in the law and they were acquited.

TALK SHOP tɔk ʃɒp

13 Sep 2023


  • to talk about your job in a boring way.
Example Sentence: I'm not going to the office party. Everyone will just talk shop!


13 Aug 2023


  • collectively stop working because of poor conditions or pay.
Example Sentence: The teachers are going to go on strike to protest about low salaries.

PUT OFF pʊt ɔf

13 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • postpone.
Example Sentence: They had decided to put the wedding off until her brother came home from abroad.

BACK OUT bæk aʊt

13 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • leave the negotiation.
Example Sentence: They backed out of the deal at the last minute.

OVERHEADS oʊvərˈhɛds

13 Apr 2023


  • regular costs that a business must pay, such as electricity, salaries, etc.
Example Sentence: Internet companies have much lower overheads.

FULL-TIME JOB /ˌfʊlˈtaɪm/

13 Aug 2015


  • work done for the whole of a working week
Example Sentences:She took a full-time job when her youngest child went to school.
I work full-time for an insurance company.

TROJAN HORSE /ˌtrəʊ.dʒənˈhɔːs/

13 Jun 2013


  • A trojan horse is a computer program that appears to perform a useful and innocent function. However, it contains hidden functions that use approved authorizations assigned to the user when they start the program. For example, it may copy your internal authorization information from your computer and send it back to the originator of the trojan horse.
Example Sentences:My computer is infected with a trojan horse. Can anyone tell me how I can get rid of it?
You must have picked up a trojan horse from that email attachment you opened this morning.