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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 


01 Dec 2024


  • (of an amount or value) – to rise very speedily.
Example Sentence: The number of really poor families has soared to record high levels.

GROSS PROFIT MARGIN groʊs prɒfɪt mɑrdʒɪn

30 Nov 2024


  • The difference between the selling price of a product or service and the cost of producing it, excluding taxation, salaries paid to employees, overheads (electricity, office rent etc).
Example Sentence: There were so many items I had to work with that in the end I made a mistake in calculating our gross profit margin.

OVERHEADS oʊvərˈhɛds

29 Nov 2024


  • regular costs that a business must pay, such as electricity, salaries, etc.
Example Sentence: Internet companies have much lower overheads.

COLLATERAL kəˈlætərəl

28 Nov 2024


  • a car, a house or something valuable that you promise to give the lender if you cannot pay back the money you borrowed from them.
Example Sentence: I need $20.000 urgently. I can put my flat in London up as collateral – it must be worth 10 times as much as that.

TO CEMENT sɪˈmɛnt

27 Nov 2024


  • to make a business relationship stronger.
Example Sentence: After years of cooperation in different projects we cemented our relationship by signing the new contract.

TO BOUNCE BACK baʊns bæk

26 Nov 2024


  • to return to a higher level after suffering from difficulties for a while.
Example Sentence: The Chinese economy has already bounced back after the recession and now it's booming.

ACCELERATION ækˌsɛləˈreɪʃən

25 Nov 2024


  • (the rate of) speeding up.
Example Sentence: You can do a lot for the acceleration of your enterprise, e.g. you can invest more time into advertising yourself on community pages like Facebook.

AILING eɪlɪŋ

24 Nov 2024


  • if the economy/a sector etc is ailing it is (relatively) weak and troubled.
Example Sentence: We are really lucky because we have severally financially ailing competitors, while our situation is relatively sound.

RELIABLE rɪˈlaɪəbəl

23 Nov 2024


  • something or somebody that can be relied on and trusted.
Example Sentence: What we would like to do next is to design a highly reliable network and to gain competitive advantage over our rivals at last.

CREDIT LIMIT krɛdɪt lɪmɪt

22 Nov 2024


  • the maximum amount of money a financial institution e.g. a bank is willing to give someone.
Example Sentence: If your credit limit with your bank is too low, it's not the best solution to acquire credit cards from several different banks.

FREELANCER /ˈfriˌlæn sər/

21 Nov 2024


  • a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer
Example Sentences:The company employs a number of freelancers.
I work as a freelancer for a local newspaper.

TO DISCONTINUE dɪskənˈtɪnyu

20 Nov 2024


  • to stop doing something e.g. production of a product.
Example Sentence: The company decided to discontinue operations last month because the factory was making losses.

RETAIL CHAIN riteɪl tʃeɪn

19 Nov 2024


  • a number of similar shops or stores that sell products to the public.
Example Sentence: We have only one retail chain in our town. I've never liked them – the choice of dairy products on offer is really poor. I think some competition would do them good.

TO FACILITATE fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪt

18 Nov 2024


  • to make an activity, a process etc easier to happen.
Example Sentence: Do you think a new marketing campaign would facilitate increasing sales?

TO INFRINGE ɪnˈfrɪndʒ

17 Nov 2024


  • to violate/break a law, rule or regulation.
Example Sentence: If you infringe copyright regulations, you can expect a heavy fine.