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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

TRADER treɪdər

03 Oct 2024


  • Investor who holds stocks and securities for a short time (minutes, hours or days) with the objective of making profit from short-term gains in the market.
Example Sentence: Traders need to choose just the right time to buy and sell shares. A minute's delay can cost them a lot of money.

STOCKBROKER stɒkˌbroʊkər

02 Oct 2024


  • A licensed professional who buys and sells stocks and shares for clients in exchange for a fee, called a 'commission'.
Example Sentence: Bill is a stockbroker for a big investment bank. He earns a huge salary but he has to work long and suffer a great deal of stress.

STOCKHOLDER stɒkˌhoʊldər

01 Oct 2024


  • Person who owns stocks and shares.
Example Sentence: Four stockholders own 88% of the company between them.

STOCK stɒk

30 Sep 2024


  • Shares (portion of the capital of a business company) held by an investor.
Example Sentence: How much stock do you own in the company?
His Microsoft stock must be worth millions.

SPECULATOR spɛkyəˌleɪtər

29 Sep 2024


  • Someone who buys and sells stocks and shares in the hope of making a profit through changes in their value.
Example Sentence: A property speculator is interested in buying some farmland from us. He hopes to be able to build houses on it one day.

SHARE CERTIFICATE ʃɛər sərˈtɪfɪkɪt

28 Sep 2024


  • Certificate representing the number of shares owned by an investor.
Example Sentences: In order to sell shares you own in a publicly-listed company, you will need to show your share certificate to your broker.
If you lose your share certificate, you will have to request another one from the company secretary of the company you have invested in.

SHARE ʃɛər

27 Sep 2024


  • The capital of a company is divided into shares which entitle the owner, or shareholder, to a proportion of the profits.
Example Sentences: The value of this company's shares has gone up 45% in the last week.
How many shares will we get in the company?

SECURITIES sɪˈkyʊərɪti

26 Sep 2024


  • Transferable certificates showing ownership of stock, bonds, shares, options, etc.
Example Sentence: Before we can grant you a loan, we would need some collateral from you in the form of securities.

PORTFOLIO pɔrtˈfoʊliˌoʊ

25 Sep 2024


  • Various types of securities held by an individual or institution.
Example Sentence: Investment in real estate makes up the bulk of his investment portfolio, but he also has some considerable investment in gold.

PENNY STOCK pɛni stɒk

24 Sep 2024


  • Shares selling at less than $1 a share.
Example Sentence: Part of my investment portfolio is in penny stocks. I'm expecting some good news from one company very soon and I hope this will boost its stock price.

OPTION ɒpʃən

23 Sep 2024


  • The right to buy and sell certain securities at a specified price and period of time.
Example Sentence: Part of the deal is that we are given options to buy 100,000 shares at 0.35c a share.

MUTUAL FUND myutʃuəl fʌnd

22 Sep 2024


  • Savings fund that uses cash from a pool of savers to buy securities such as stock, bonds and real estate.
Example Sentence: It was another good week for mutual fund investors as equity markets moved higher and came within striking distance of the 11,000-point mark.

LIABILITIES laɪəˈbɪlɪti

21 Sep 2024


  • The debts and obligations of a company or an individual.
Example Sentences: The business has liabilities of $2 million.
If our liabilities increase further, we'll have to consider closing down the company.


20 Sep 2024


  • Buying or selling with the help of information known only to those connected with the business.
Example Sentence: Several executives in the company have been charged by the financial authorities with insider trading.

INSIDER ɪnˈsaɪdər

19 Sep 2024


  • All those who have access to inside information concerning the company.
Example Sentence: Carlson knows an insider in the company who's willing to pass him confidential information about the company's performance.