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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

FUTURES fyutʃər

18 Sep 2024


  • Contracts to buy or sell securities at a future date.
Example Sentence: If you invest in futures and predict that a stock will decrease in value by a certain date, but the stock actually increases in value, you will lose money.

EQUITY ɛkwɪti

17 Sep 2024


  • The value of stocks and shares; the net value of mortgaged property.
Example Sentences: He sold his equity in the company last year.
The rights give holders the opportunity to purchase additional equity interests in the company at a big discount.

DIVIDEND dɪvɪˌdɛnd

16 Sep 2024


  • A portion of a company's earnings which is paid to the shareholders/stockholders on a quarterly or annual basis.
Example Sentence: Dividends of US$0.4 per share will be paid out to shareholders on March 31 after a year of record profits.


15 Sep 2024


  • Products such as agricultural products and natural resources (wood, oil and metals) that are traded on a separate, authorized commodities exchange.
Example Sentence: The country's most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.

CAPITAL kæpɪtl

14 Sep 2024


  • Money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business.
Example Sentences: She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.
We've put 20 000 capital into the business, but we're unlikely to see any return for a few years.

BOND bɒnd

13 Sep 2024


  • Certificate issued by companies and governments to its lenders.
Example Sentences: Bonds are considered a safe investment as they are guaranteed by governments.


12 Sep 2024


  • Stocks of leading companies with a reputation for stable growth and earnings.
Example Sentence: Coca Cola and BP are examples of blue chip stocks.

BID bɪd

11 Sep 2024


  • The price a buyer is willing to offer for shares in a company.
Example Sentences: When trading online, be careful that you don't bid too high for the shares.
How much did you bid for the shares?

WIN-WIN wɪn wɪn

10 Sep 2024


  • describes a situation, plan, etc. in which you cannot lose, whatever choice of action you make, or in which all the groups involved will gain benefits.
Example Sentences: This is a win-win situation for her, because whoever wins this match, she's still going to be champion.
Promoting fair-trade is a win-win option, because everyone, both producers and consumers, benefits.

TOUCH BASE tʌtʃ beɪs

09 Sep 2024


  • If you touch base with someone, you get in touch and communicate briefly with them on some topic.
Example Sentence: Nancy, I urgently need to touch base with you on the Helegon project. Do you have any time to meet this afternoon?


08 Sep 2024


  • Are people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort. White collar workers are generally better educated and more highly paid.
Example Sentence: Jim is a typical white collar worker – university-educated, middle-class background, working for a well-known high-street bank.


07 Sep 2024


  • Are people who do physical or unskilled work in a factory or outdoors rather than office work. Blue-collar workers are often poorly educated and poorly paid.
Example Sentence: More than 500 blue-collar workers, employed by the mining company, have gone on strike. They’re demanding better pay and working conditions.


06 Sep 2024


  • Is the idea that the price of goods and services depends on how much of something is being sold and how many people want to buy it.
Example Sentence: If we are going to remain competitive, we have no choice but to lower our prices. There are simply too many hotels in the city. It’s supply and demand!


05 Sep 2024


  • Is when one company uses a different company to provide some product or service.
Example Sentence: British Airways outsources its in-flight catering to American firm Gate Gourmet.

GARDEN LEAVE gɑrdn liv

04 Sep 2024


  • Paid cooling off period, typically three months, that your contract stipulates you cannot work before starting a new job. This is used by financial firms, in particular, to prevent people walking straight into a new job with hot information.
Example Sentence: He quit and was offered a job by one of the main competitors. He’s on garden leave for a few months.