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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

BREAK OFF breɪk ɔf

24 Dec 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • stop negotiations
Example Sentence: They broke off the negotiations after 10 hours.

BRAND LOYALTY brænd lɔɪəlti

23 Dec 2023


  • a group's willingness to continue buying the same product.
Example Sentence: Their sales did not fall due to their customer's brand loyalty.

APTITUDE TEST æptɪˌtud tɛst

22 Dec 2023


  • a test which measures a person's ability to do a certain job.
Example Sentence: Candidates will be required to complete an aptitude test.

ADVENT ædvɛnt

21 Dec 2023


  • the arrival of something that has been waited for a long time.
Example Sentence: The advent of affordable electric vehicles will help the environment.

UNDERCUT ʌndərˈkʌt

20 Dec 2023


  • to charge less than a competitor.
Example Sentence: They have reduced their price to undercut their rivals.

TURNAROUND tɜrnəˌraʊnd

19 Dec 2023


  • an improvement following poor performance.
Example Sentence: The impressive sales figures are a dramatic turnaround for the company.

TRADEOFF treɪdˌɔf

18 Dec 2023


  • a situation in which you accept something bad in exchange for something good.
Example Sentence: They may be willing to accept the tradeoff of a higher price for time saved.

SUBORDINATE səˈbɔrdnɪt

17 Dec 2023


  • somebody who is in a lower position than somebody else in an organization.
Example Sentence: He was accused of abusing his subordinates.

STICKING POINT stɪkɪn pɔɪnt

16 Dec 2023


  • a point in a negotiation where progress cannot be made.
Example Sentence: A key sticking point in the negotiations was the issue of salaries.

STAGNATE stægneɪt

15 Dec 2023


  • to not grow or develop.
Example Sentence: Property sales in villages near the factory have stagnated.

SLOWDOWN sloʊˌdaʊn

14 Dec 2023


  • when something becomes less active and less is produced.
Example Sentence: They forecast a slowdown in UK economic growth.

SHORE UP ʃɔr ʌp

13 Dec 2023


  • to make a system or organisation stronger and less likely to fail.
Example Sentence: The president has promised to shore up the economy.

SALES FORECAST seɪlz fɔrˌkæst

12 Dec 2023


  • a prediction of how you expect sales to change in the future.
Example Sentence: The company lowered it sales forecast for the third quarter.

REVAMP riˈvæmp

10 Dec 2023


  • to change something in order to make it better and more modern.
Example Sentence: The company plans to revamp all its outlets over the coming year.

RESTRUCTURE riˈstrʌktʃər

09 Dec 2023


  • to make changes to the organisation of a company.
Example Sentence: The new owner plans to restructure the failing car maker.