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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

SCALE DOWN skeɪl daʊn

16 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • reduce in size.
Example Sentence: Since the end of the Cold War, most European countries have scaled down their armed forces.

SAVE UP seɪv ʌp

15 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • save money.
Example Sentence: If you want a new bike, you'd better start saving up.


14 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • tolerate.
Example Sentence: He's not easy to live with - I think Jo puts up with a lot.

PUT OFF pʊt ɔf

13 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • postpone.
Example Sentence: They had decided to put the wedding off until her brother came home from abroad.

PLAY UP pleɪ ʌp

12 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • have problems.
Example Sentence: The car is beginning to play up again. It must be its age.

PICK UP pɪk ʌp

11 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • getting better.
Example Sentence: Business is finally picking up after the recession.

PHASE OUT feɪz aʊt

10 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • stop over time.
Example Sentence: Sweden is planning to phase out its nuclear reactors by the year 2013.

PAY UP peɪ ʌp

09 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • give money.
Example Sentence: You must pay up by Friday.

NARROW DOWN næroʊ daʊn

08 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • reduce number.
Example Sentence: The police department attempted to narrow down the list of suspects.

MIX UP mɪks ʌp

07 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • make untidy.
Example Sentence: I've just spent two hours sorting those papers so please don't mix them up.

MESS UP mɛs ʌp

06 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • make mistake.
Example Sentence: This is an important meeting, so don't mess up!


05 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • compensate.
Example Sentence: This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.

MAKE UP meɪk ʌp

04 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • create a story.
Example Sentence: I'd made up some story about having to go home to see my sick mother.

LOOK INTO lʊk ɪntu

03 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • investigate.
Example Sentence: Police are reported to be looking into the case.


02 Jun 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • reach same point.
Example Sentence: She was walking so fast that I couldn't keep up with her.