Business Word/Phrase of the Day
Every day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above.
HOLD UP hoʊld ʌp |
01 Jun 2023
Phrasal Verb
GO OVER goʊ oʊvər |
31 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
GIVE IN gɪv ɪn |
30 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
GET AT gɛt æt |
29 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
FOLLOW UP fɒloʊ ʌp |
28 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
FIX UP fɪks ʌp |
27 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
DREAM UP drim ʌp |
26 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
DRAW UP drɔ ʌp |
25 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
COUNT ON kaʊnt ɒn |
24 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
COME UP kʌm ʌp |
23 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
22 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
CLEAR UP klɪər ʌp |
21 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
CATCH UP kætʃ ʌp |
20 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
BUILD UP bɪld ʌp |
19 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
BRING FORWARD brɪŋ fɔrwərd |
18 May 2023
Phrasal Verb
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Business Word/Phrase of the Day
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