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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

BREAK UP breɪk ʌp

17 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • collapse.
Example Sentence: He may break up under all the stress.

BREAK INTO breɪk ɪntu

16 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • enter
Example Sentence: American banks are starting to break into the British finance market.

BREAK DOWN breɪk daʊn

15 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • stop working.
Example Sentence: The photocopier has broken down again.

BACK UP bæk ʌp

14 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • support.
Example Sentence: His claims are backed up by recent research.

BACK OUT bæk aʊt

13 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • leave the negotiation.
Example Sentence: They backed out of the deal at the last minute.

ACCOUNT FOR əˈkaʊnt fɔr

12 May 2023

Phrasal Verb

  • explain.
Example Sentence: She was unable to account for over $5000.

UNDERCUT ʌndərˈkʌt

11 May 2023


  • to charge less than a competitor.
Example Sentence: They have reduced their price to undercut their rivals.


10 May 2023


  • to successfully make a business agreement.
Example Sentence: After hours of negotiating, they managed to strike a deal.


09 May 2023


  • an aggressive attempt by a company to buy control of another company.
Example Sentence: Their French rival has launched a hostile takeover bid.

HARD-SELL hɑrd sɛl

08 May 2023


  • (of selling or advertising) aggressive and forceful .
Example Sentence: He tried to defend the hard-sell tactics used to entice customers.

COLLABORATE kəˈlæbəˌreɪt

07 May 2023


  • to work with somebody on a project or task.
Example Sentence: The two companies will collaborate to develop, produce and sell computers.

BUYOUT baɪˌaʊt

06 May 2023


  • when a person or group buys control of a company.
Example Sentence: A private equity firm has completed its £3.5bn buyout of the UK music group.

AMORTISATION əˌmɔːtaɪˈzeɪʃən

05 May 2023


  • the repayment of debt in small regular amount.
Example Sentence: Company earnings before interest, tax and amortisation grew by 10%.

VENDOR vɛndər

04 May 2023


  • a person or agency that sells.
Example Sentence: Please call the vendor to confirm delivery one week in advance.

TURNAROUND tɜrnəˌraʊnd

03 May 2023


  • an improvement following poor performance.
Example Sentence: The impressive sales figures are a dramatic turnaround for the company.