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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

APPOINT əˈpɔɪnt

17 Mar 2023


  • to officially give somebody a job, task or responsibility
Example Sentence: He was appointed as head of the investigation.

ALLOCATE æləˌkeɪt

27 Oct 2022


  • to specify where something (especially resources) will go.
Example Sentence: They have allocated $50 million for research and development.


26 Oct 2022


  • service that is provided after something has been sold.
Example Sentence: The company was praised for its excellent after-sales service.

APPOINT əˈpɔɪnt

19 Oct 2022


  • to officially give somebody a job, task or responsibility.
Example Sentence: He was appointed as head of the investigation.


05 Jan 2022


  • commercial goods that are being transported long distance.
Example Sentence: The goods arrive by ship and then continue by freight train.

LEAD TIME lid taɪm

31 Dec 2021


  • the time available to prepare for an event.
Example Sentence: The lead time to get a book published is very long.

SALES FORCE seɪlz fɔrs

30 Aug 2021


  • all the people who sell for a company.
Example Sentence: The company is hoping to expand its sales force.

BOARD bɔrd

25 Jul 2021


  • a group of people who are responsible for making decisions.
Example Sentence: The corporation is run by a Board of Governors.

PARENT COMPANY pɛərənt kʌmpəni

05 Jan 2021


  • a company that owns control of one or more subsidiary companies.
Example Sentence: It is the parent company of several publishing firms.

PERSUASIVE pərˈsweɪsɪv

21 Apr 2020


  • able to make somebody do something or believe (in) something.
Example Sentences: He was so persuasive that it was impossible to beat him as a salesman – he could sell anyone anything any time.

STONE BROKE /stoʊni broʊk/

06 Jan 2020


  • If you are stone broke, you are completely without money.
Example Sentences: Don't ask Jim to lend you any money; he's stone broke.

SELF-EMPLOYED /ˌself.ɪmˈplɔɪd/

15 May 2019


  • a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer
Example Sentences:Do you pay less tax if you're self-employed?
John is self-employed. He runs a small garden maintenance company.

ACQUISITION ˌækwəˈzɪʃən

01 Jun 2018


  • the process of getting or buying something, especially another business.
Example Sentence: The company will pay $210 million in cash to complete the acquisition.


06 Feb 2017


  • to sell to a special group of people.
Example Sentence: They have cornered the market for men's shaving equipment.

CLEAR UP klɪər ʌp

27 Nov 2016

Phrasal Verb

  • make understandable.
Example Sentence: Have I cleared up anything that you did not understand?