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Business Word/Phrase of the Day

word-phrase-descEvery day we publish a business word or phrase together with audio pronunciation, phonetics, definition and example sentences. This is a great way to improve your workplace vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. To receive 'Business Word/Phrase of the Day' by email, just subscribe to our newsletter from the link above. 

TO SUBSIDISE sʌbsɪˌdaɪz

31 Dec 2024


  • to give money to a person, institution or organisation in order to aid them.
Example Sentence: The government cannot subsidise every single initiative; they have to prioritise somehow.


30 Dec 2024


  • supplier that stands high on a company's chain of suppliers and is usually in a direct contact with the client.
Example Sentence: Our company is a tier-one supplier of one of the biggest car manufacturers in Japan – we produce their tyres.

BEAR MARKET bɛər mɑrkɪt

29 Dec 2024


  • a downward market trend when prices of shares, commodities etc are falling and the market is pessimistic. When this occurs there is usually high inflation and unemployment.
Example Sentence: Investment in a bear market might make sense.

BULL MARKET bʊl mɑrkɪt

28 Dec 2024


  • an upward market trend when prices of shares, commodities etc are rising and the market is optimistic.
Example Sentence: Though things seem to be improving in our sector, the bull market won't come back.

RALLY ˈræli

27 Dec 2024


  • when share prices (or the stock exchange itself) return to a strong position after a period of weakness.
Example Sentence: Unfortunately I only started buying shares when the summer stock market rally was over so I didn't get as rich as some of my friends did.

OVERHAUL oʊvərˌhɔl

26 Dec 2024


  • a general, thorough examination of machinery, computers, systems etc
Example Sentence: Productivity has been decreasing gradually in the past few months so a complete overhaul of the system is absolutely necessary.

TO REFUND rɪˈfʌnd

25 Dec 2024


  • to give a customer their money back because they are not satisfied with the product or service they have received.
Example Sentence: The shop was not willing to refund my money in full so I decided to report them to the competent authority.

REGULATOR rɛgyəˌleɪtər

24 Dec 2024


  • an organisation or body that controls an area of industry and monitors its fair operation.
Example Sentence: The Spanish regulator has not released any details about the new tender for spectrums so far.


23 Dec 2024


  • to practise e.g. a presentation before actually delivering it.
Example Sentence: It is important to rehearse before delivering a presentation, partly because you can gain the necessary confidence this way.

PURVEYOR pərˈveɪər

22 Dec 2024


  • a company that supplies goods or services.
Example Sentence: Although we've just entered the market, we'd like to become the number one purveyor of fine wines and rare spirits within a year.

TO DISRUPT dɪsˈrʌpt

21 Dec 2024


  • to interrupt the normal continuity of the operation of something; to cause disorder in something.
Example Sentence: The natural catastrophe disrupted commerce and business in general in the whole country.

TO SUBCONTRACT sʌbkənˈtrækt

20 Dec 2024


  • to pay a (third party) company or a person to carry out work that you have been given a contract to do earlier.
Example Sentence: Though we subcontracted manufacturing ages ago, we think carrying out the tasks related to design ourselves is crucial if we want to maintain the quality our customers are used to.


19 Dec 2024


  • to stop taking part in something or doing something.
Example Sentence: Air Asia withdrew its flights from Heathrow Airport in October.

TO ROLL OUT roʊlˌaʊt

18 Dec 2024


  • to launch a new product or service in a market.
Example Sentence: We have just finished testing our new product line and we are planning to roll it out early next year.

SLUSH FUND slʌʃ slʌʃ

17 Dec 2024


  • a certain amount of money kept for illegal and/or dishonest purposes, mainly for politics OR a reserve fund (not necessarily in the context of corruption).
Example Sentence: We all know that almost all the parties in this country have money that can be used as a little slush fund when needed.