Could you please give a full sentences or two examples so that I am sure of the meaning you intend?
The statment was "Please revert by email". I guess the meaning is :Please reply by email". This was not a typing mistake as I have received similar statements from different persons . It seems very common for people to use "revert" as a replacement for "reply". This is also true for English native speakers. My question was wheather "revert" can have the same meaning as "reply".
One of the meanings of "revert" is to go or come back to an earlier time/state, as in this example about using a dialog on the computer:
"You can revert by clicking Cancel" (meaning go back to the pervious status). So it looks like a portion of that meaning is reflected in this use of revert.
However, using "revert" to mean reply is not part of my native-speaker lexicon, but as you know there is considerable variation in English from region . I'd recommend you stick with "reply" for e-mail and faxes, and that you use "revert" only when the intended meaning is to return to doing or being something (usually something less satisfactory) from an earlier period.